Blueberry Pancakes
Date Completed: 4/3/2021
A beautiful spring Saturday called for an All-American classic from Martha’s American Food. Blueberry Pancakes!
As much as I love grabbing pastries from my neighborhood coffee shop on the weekends, I find so much joy in turning on my “Jazzy Saturday” playlist and cooking breakfast at home! It’s such a relaxing and fun activity to start the day.
This pancake batter mixed up quickly with just a few ingredients + buttermilk, of course!
I was most apprehensive about the flipping part of the process. It had been years since I flipped a pancake! I just kept in mind that success would come from confidence and decisiveness. Also from controlling the temperature of the griddle.

The hard part about homemade pancakes (and even the waffles I made previously) is that the recipes do yield so many. It takes a while to cook them all. I learned my lesson from past experience and decided to make one to eat first. Then I went back and finished cooking up the remaining batter and taking my photos. Huge improvement!
Taste Report:
Admission: I didn’t completely stick to the recipe. While I did make several blueberry pancakes, I also made some plain and one chef-special with chocolate chips.
I have to say the chocolate chip was hands-down my favorite. The blueberry version did offer that great burst of flavor though. The pancakes themselves were all light and fluffy!
As a freezer addict, it brought me great satisfaction to wrap these up in press-n-seal to savor on weekday mornings. I love how the freezer can make a weekend treat attainable on a Wednesday.
Stashing these in the freezer also saved them from the fate of my second fridge-door-open-all-night incident since I started this project. Sheesh!
What’s your favorite pancake topping?
Mess Report:
Since pancake batter comes together in a single bowl, that really limits the mess! Major win!
Thankfully I got to spend my morning enjoying this flowery view rather than washing a pile of dishes.